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White Paper, Full Version 2.0, 02-01-2021 PDF Document
White Paper, Executive Summary 2.0, 02-01-2021 PDF Document
Endorsements from Organizations (Template Letter) PDF Document
Contact Authors: Dr. A. Roshi, Dr. N. Pinilla
The Arecibo Observatory has been a beacon to the world producing revolutionary science and innovation for more than 50 years.

This white paper, “The Future of the Arecibo Observatory: The Next Generation Arecibo Telescope”, outlines how investing in a pioneering concept for a new telescope and cutting-edge instrumentation at the Arecibo Observatory will continue to propel discovery and humankind’s understanding in the fields of Planetary Science, Space and Atmospheric Sciences, and Astronomy. Better understanding in each of these areas can potentially impact everything from our planet’s safety and security, the changes in the climate, the technology we rely on for communication and transportation here on Earth and the safety of spacecraft on future missions. Moreover, this facility will serve as a source of inspiration for the students in Puerto Rico, the U.S. mainland, and around the globe to pursue STEM studies.
The ambitious science key areas prioritized in this white paper lay the groundwork for a new concept for a multidisciplinary telescope - the Next Generation Arecibo Telescope (NGAT) - an innovative combination of a compact, phased array of dishes on a steerable plate-like structure with high power radar capabilities. The combined dish would result in a larger collecting area than the legacy 305-m Arecibo telescope, which will provide even more sensitivity and a larger field-of-view, with the ability to point at the center of the galaxy. When equipped with broad-band instrumentation the NGAT will enable multi-frequency observations. The NGAT concept presented here is not intended to be the final design, but it lays the groundwork for the initial engineering and optical studies.
The NGAT will not start from scratch. It will take advantage of the existing infrastructure, decades of experience, and the support of the local people and government. Furthermore, it will enhance the educational efforts traditionally carried out at the Visitor’s Center and supported by the Ángel Ramos Foundation that have greatly impacted Puerto Rican culture and society. NGAT will coexist with an extended High Frequency (HF) facility, and a diverse set of radio and optical instrumentation that continue to operate at Arecibo Observatory and at the Remote Optical Facility (ROF) in Isla Culebra.
This paper represents a starting point, that demonstrates that the future is real and full of much more potential than many may understand.
This white paper will be presented to the National Science Foundation (NSF) and will be shared with key stakeholders from private and public sector in February to request support for the construction of a new telescope at Arecibo Observatory.