- Leter from Dr. Julie Brisset (Principal Investigator of the Arecibo Observatory)13 Sep, 2022
- Arecibo Deputy Principal Scientist to Explore the Cosmos with the JWST02 Sep, 2022
- Letter from the Director22 Aug, 2022
- Piercing through the Clouds of Venus with Arecibo Radar17 Aug, 2022
- Summer greetings from the Facilities and Operations Team!17 Aug, 2022
- Arecibo Observatory at the Small Bodies Assessment Group12 Aug, 2022
- Meet the 2022 Arecibo Observatory REU students!11 Aug, 2022
- Meet Luis R. Rivera Gabriel, Research Intern in the Planetary Radar Group09 Aug, 2022
- Updates from the 2022 CEDAR Workshop in Austin, TX09 Aug, 2022
- Insights into the AAS Conference from AO Analyst Anna McGilvray08 Aug, 2022
- American Astronomical Society’s 240th Meeting: Plenary Lecture Building the Future of Radio Science with the Arecibo Observatory by Dr. Héctor Arce. 28 Jul, 2022
- TRENDS 202227 Jul, 2022
- Advancing IDEA in Planetary Science 27 Jul, 2022
- The Arecibo Observatory: An Engine for Science and Scientists in Puerto Rico and Beyond27 Jul, 2022
- Cryogenic Frontend work for the 12m telescope entering phase II21 Jul, 2022
- Remote Optical Facility Updates20 Jul, 2022
AO Adapts: Continued Workshops, Training, and Education
Byadmin06 July 2020 Education

Education |
The Strategic Vision for Incoherent Scatter Radar (ISR) Workshop was funded by the NSF to occur the first week of April in Cornell University. The purpose of this workshop is to define a vision highlighting what the community sees as the most important objectives for the ISR facilities, and to develop a strategy for pursuing them. In lieu of the workshop, a mini-workshop was held with session speakers over video chat to discuss objectives and move the workshop goals forward.
ISR Summer SchoolThe Incoherent Scatter Radar (ISR) Summer School is a five-year NSF award to provide students with hands-on experience in designing and running experiments at (ISR) facilities. Since 2008, the ISR Summer School has been run to ensure the continued ISR technical capacity of future scientists. The 2020 ISR Summer School will be conducted virtually for the first time. The school will adopt a "flipped classroom" structure with pre-recorded lectures and live activities. Students will remotely conduct and analyze experiment data.
STAR Academy
The STEAM Teaching at Arecibo (STAR) Academy was not interrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Classes and research projects were completed remotely. Rather than host a virtual graduation, the STAR students and their families will be invited for an in-person celebration at the Science and Visitor Center when conditions are safe enough.
Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) Program
Adapting to the global pandemic, the AO REU students participated in a virtual one-week long professional development program this summer and will complete their internship at the observatory next year for 9 weeks (rather than the usual 10 weeks). During the professional development week, the students met AO scientists and engineers, participating in both technical talks and skill development presentations. The week also included discussions on equity, diversity, and inclusion in the science community. The program ended with a pizza party (pizza delivered to each student at their homes)! A few REU alumni attended to share their experiences with the group as well. The AO team looks forward to hosting these talented students on-site next year! The REU program is funded by the National Science Foundation to support active research participation by undergraduate students, and has been hosted at AO since 1987.
REU Virtual Professional Development Week
The Arecibo & Green Bank Observatories will co-host a Remote Observer Training Workshop between October 12 - 16, 2020. The Arecibo-specific sessions will be on Oct 15 - 16, 2020. This is a great opportunity for graduate students and astronomers to be trained to remotely use the Arecibo telescope and process the data. If you are interested, you can register at the Single Dish Training web post.
Web post written by Dr. Tracy Becker - AO Collaborator / SwRI |
Keywords: arecibo, observatory, ISR, education, radio, telescope, radio, STAR, single, dish